Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Watched Pot Never Boils

I have been up all night staring at Kinsa and i think i am going a bit barmy. My eyes hurt from looking at her without turning my head in her direction and i feel on the verge of a nervous breakdown...! I wish she would just spit those babies out and get it over with!!! In between moments of rest she goes teetering around her box to drink water as if she'd been thirsty for days and gorge on her pig pellets as if she hadn't eaten in weeks.. She keeps bending underneath herself while turning around in circles which makes me think she's going to expel at any moment and then... she sits back down again! It is maddening! I think she has noticed me staring at her and is growing more and more resentful as the time wears on. It is as if she is withholding herself until the first moment I am out of the room.. I am terrified to leave in case she pulls this move on me. I am not going to school today (I have only one class) because I don't think I could handle the psychological torment of sitting through a lecture on Egypt and the Ottomans while my darling pig hovers on the brink of the unknown.. I wrote an email to my professor asking if I could make up the lesson. I told him my guinea pig was about to give birth...

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