Thursday, January 22, 2009

Still Waiting......

Kinsa still has not given birth!!!!

This leads me to think I may have got something wrong about the pelvic separation. I felt her butt this morning and it is much looser than it was a few days ago and the separation between the two parts of the pelvis is much wider. In fact, I can fit one whole finger's width between the bones. That's it. I've given up. I am letting nature just take its course while I take mine.
The babies are still moving around in there so I'm not too worried. Kinsa, I will be here for you when the babies are out... but until then, you're on your own!!

While we wait for the new arrivals, I will introduce you to another one of my piggies, Beatrice. She was born on Thanksgiving weekend, 2008, so is almost two months old. She's a golden agouti teddy born of a Himalayan mother and a golden agouti father. This isn't the most wonderful of pictures but you can see the little box she likes to sleep in and the piece of hay she is chewing.

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